The metaplay-auth CLI tool is a powerful utility that provides various commands for interacting with cloud deployments in the Metaplay Cloud. The CLI tool helps you obtain the required credentials as well as easily fetch relevant details required for building, pushing, and deploying a game server to the Metaplay Cloud.
We provide metaplay-auth
as an NPM package under the @metaplay
organization. You can install the package globally with:
npm install -g @metaplay/metaplay-auth
Alternatively, if you just want to run commands with the latest metaplay-auth
version, you can leverage npx
npx @metaplay/metaplay-auth@latest -V
The metaplay-auth CLI tool serves a couple of different, important functions:
To use the tool, you should first log in:
metaplay-auth login
This will pop up a browser and allow you to log in using your Metaplay Portal account. The tokens and the session are by default valid for an hour, after which you'll need to log in again to obtain fresh tokens. If you want to end your session earlier, you can invoke the logout
command, which will remove your tokens. Otherwise, the tokens automatically expire after the validity period.
The next step is to create a game server image with Metaplay SDK and Docker. You need a unique tag for this build. In this walkthrough, we use current timestamps, but in a CI job, you should use the git commit hash or similar instead.
export IMAGE_TAG=$(date +%s)
Next, build the Docker image:
docker build --platform linux/amd64 -f MetaplaySDK/Dockerfile.server -t gameserver:$IMAGE_TAG .
Then, push the local game server image into Metaplay Cloud:
metaplay-auth push-docker-image metaplay-idler-develop gameserver:$IMAGE_TAG
With a game server image and access to an environment, you should be able to deploy the game server into the Metaplay Cloud. For the deployment, you would need:
to configure the deployment. For more details, please check Configuring a Deployment.metaplay-auth \
deploy-server \ # command to deploy a server
metaplay-idler-develop \ # specify the target Environment, must be in the format of {Organization}-{Project}-{Environment}
$IMAGE_TAG \ # image tag for deployment
--values=Backend/Deployments/develop-server.yaml \ # The default path for the Helm deployment file
--helm-chart-version=0.6.3 # It's recommended to use the latest Helm chart version available
When specifying the target environment for a Deployment, you should use the format of {Organization}-{Project}-{Environment}
, like metaplay-idler-develop
, for example.
This step uses the pre-generated Helm values file for the deployment, which is located in Backend/Deployments/develop-server.yaml
. If your project does not contain this file, take a look at the Release 27 Migration Guide for Managed Environments for instructions on how to add these configuration files into your project.
If successfully executed, you will be able to visit a LiveOps Dashboard by following the link displayed in the Metaplay Portal. Navigate to the correct environment, and you will find 'Quick Link' on the landing page.
To configure your game client to connect to a deployment, go to the Metaplay Portal and navigate to the target environment; there you will find detailed information under the 'Configure Client' tab.
The metaplay-auth CLI tool is fairly powerful, and you can chain it together with other tools to provide identity and authentication services. This section contains some examples of how to do this.
You can inspect an environment:
metaplay-auth get-environment metaplay-idler-develop
The output will be a JSON object that contains details about the infrastructure and environment where the game server can be deployed.
For more advanced usages of the metaplay-auth CLI tool, you can get a list of supported commands by:
metaplay-auth --help
Although Metaplay Cloud is a fully managed platform that keeps you hassle-free from the underlying infrastructure and cloud-native implementation, in some cases, you may need to directly access certain cloud resources, for example, to persist secrets outside of the game server image. For such advanced use cases, please visit the Interacting with AWS page.