For an Analytics Data Processing Pipeline to be able to produce experiment and variant-specific results, it needs to identify which Player Analytics Events correspond to which Experiment and which Variant. In Metaplay, this identification is handled with the use of Analytics IDs. Each Experiment and Variant (including the Control Group) has an associated Analytics ID, which is an opaque string value defined in Game Config. Then, each emitted event from a player is labeled using these IDs. As players may be assigned to multiple active experiments, a player's Analytics Labels are essentially a list of (ExperimentAnalyticsId, VariantAnalyticsId | ControlGroupAnalyticsId)
pairs. The Analytics Pipeline may then use these event labels to classify events for per-experiment-variant results.
For server-side events that use the built-in sinks, these labels are added automatically to the emitted event in the context
field, as described in Streaming Analytics Events to External Storage. For client-side sinks or custom server-side sinks, however, the developer needs to manually integrate the labeling of events. This process is described in this document.
Decoupled IDs
In the source data, the Experiment Analytics ID and Experiment ID are intentionally decoupled. While the Experiment IDs identify a certain experiment run and hence should not be reused for later experiment runs, there is no such limitation for Analytics IDs. In advanced usage scenarios, an experiment could be repeated multiple times by having each run have a different Experiment ID while sharing the Experiment Analytics IDs.
For client-side analytics services, such as when using Firebase Analytics, the active Analytics ID labels must be included in the events manually. On the Unity client, the set of experiments and their Analytics IDs are provided via MetaplaySDK.ActiveExperiments
. The dictionary contains the set of currently active experiments and their Analytics IDs and is updated by the time the Connection State becomes Connected
For example, for Firebase Analytics, we could run the following code to label all events with the active experiments. Since the Connected
state happens only some time after the application launch, we have added a todo
to defer firing events until the labels are set. Note that a proper implementation should also handle the case where Connected
is not reached within a reasonable time.
OnConnected() // called somewhere when Connection Status becomes Connected
// Assign player ID for cross-referencing IDs later on
// Assign experiment labels
foreach (ExperimentMembershipStatus membership in MetaplaySDK.ActiveExperiments.Values)
// Set labels directly as <ExperimentID> = <VariantID>
// Note that other labeling strategies exist
Firebase.Analytics.FirebaseAnalytics.SetUserProperty(membership.ExperimentAnalyticsId.ToString(), membership.VariantAnalyticsId.ToString());
<!-- markdownlint-disable-next-line MPL006 -->
// \todo: If we have some deferred events that were emitted before the session started in
// order to wait for the labels to resolve, flush them now.
The currently active experiments of a player are shown in the MetaplaySDKBehavior
BotClient Support
On BotClient Testing, the ActiveExperiments
is also directly available in the actor context and is similarly set upon successful connection. This can be used to test client-side analytics.
For sending events into a custom sink from the server side, we recommend implementing a custom Analytics Event Sink as described in BigQuery Analytics Event Format.
However, if the active experiments and their IDs need to be accessed from the server code, you can use the ActiveExperiments
dictionary, which is directly available in the actor context. It is updated just before the session starts and hence may be accessed in the session start callback and the handlers. Note that these values are intended for informational use only. All game logic alterations that depend on experiments should only use the Game Config and then vary the relevant value with the Experiment Variants.